Whos Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf
In a matter of weeks, the world's economies were hobbled by a microscopic foe named SARS-CoV2, more commonly called Covid-19. Unlike The Great Depression and The Great Recession, the current economic turmoil had no preceding economic conditions that created a bubble waiting to burst. The uncertain course of a novel virus, the unpredictable political environment, and the unprecedented social disruptions have triggered the most diverse economic forecasts I have witnessed in my half-century experience as an economist. Harvard Business Review surveyed 28 institutions that publish economic forecasts. The most optimistic saw the U.S. economy declining 8.2% this year and the most pessimistic forecast saw a 65% decline. All 28 forecasts expected an upturn by year-end.
What follows is a synoptic sample of a wide range of economic outlooks I collected from other authors plus my view of what realistically could happen if we successfully navigate the gauntlet of conflicting global and domestic political agendas.
What follows is a synoptic sample of a wide range of economic outlooks I collected from other authors plus my view of what realistically could happen if we successfully navigate the gauntlet of conflicting global and domestic political agendas.
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
The good. Our economy was healthy for the last several years except for the hangover from The Great Recession which created extraordinary national debt. However, we are well insolated from a national debt spiral; we have near-zero interest federal rates, virtually no inflation, and an arsenal of fiscal and monetary tools to prevent another Great Depression. In addition, the US dollar is, and likely will remain, the world's most stable and widely used currency. U.S. Treasury securities are considered by other countries to be the safest investment available during periods of economic turmoil. The pending recession should be minor and resolve by early 2021.

As economic problems increase in more developed countries and global trade tensions escalate, tipping points as viewed by countries like China and Japan that hold large portfolios of the U.S. government debt will begin to sell their holdings of U.S. Treasury securities. This will increase our domestic interest rates and in turn cause personal credit card, business, and mortgage interest rates to increase. Residential home prices will decline and foreclosures will precipitate a liquidity crisis reminiscent of the Great Recession. Overall rising interest rates will discourage private investment and dampen economic growth.
The Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) will attempt to tame the rise in interest rates by quantitative easing to stimulate the economy. The money supply will be increased by auctioning U.S. Treasury securities on the open market pushing interest rates even higher. The capital stock will be diminished and long term economic growth will be stunted.
The stimulus spending temporarily will increase economic activity to help dampen the recession but the can is kicked down the road to a time when the deficit cannot be sustained requiring increased taxes and/or reduced spending. It will take the U.S. more than five years to escape from the pandemic-driven recession.

The renewed pandemic spike will be global and every country will try to borrow at the same time with few or no willing lenders. Record interest rates will be required to entice investors to buy securities, millions of additional jobs will be lost, global GDP will decline and many businesses and governments will be unable to raise enough revenues to avoid insolvency.
Some governments will attempt to raise taxes rather than borrow but the same empty pockets that couldn't lend would not be able to pay sufficient taxes to prevent defaulting on some or all of the governments' debts. Government spending reductions will cause even more jobs to be permanently lost and the production capacity of the world will be dropped to a lower long term trajectory. It will take decades to return to our pre-pandemic level of financial security.
An Achievable Scenario
Today the government is deploying enough fiscal and monetary firepower to avoid both the bad and ugly scenarios. But the expansionary actions of the government need to be continued and refined. We have the opportunity and ability to get back on the pre-pandemic economic trajectory within two or three years if we don't allow unproductive political bickering and ill-conceived government policies get in the way.

Employers will need to rebuild foreign and domestic supply chains and, in many cases, adapt and transform their production processes and workforce skills to accommodate changes in the technologies and behavior caused by the pandemic. For example, there will be more work from home, more remote interaction with the public, increased attention to health and sanitation, more online business activity, and changes in the way the merchandise is moved from factories to homes (e.g., new delivery channels and transportation technologies).
Fiscal and monetary policy are being used more aggressively than during any other peacetime period. However, stimulus payments to workers currently are neither sufficient in amount nor suitably targeted to restore smaller businesses and consumer spending by late 2021 although I see some improvement by year-end. Federal policy has emphasized top-down economic stimulation; large corporations have benefited from more tax cuts and federal funding than have small businesses and workers. While large companies support large numbers of employees, direct corporate grants and loans don't stimulate demand for products and services as powerfully as the same money carefully targeted to consumers and employees if smaller businesses.
If additional stimulus actions of the federal government agencies are refocused on the average household, the pending recession could be foreshortened but presently there is a dysfunctional lack of agreement within Congress necessary to trigger a more rapid bottom-up stimulation.
Interest rates and inflation could be kept under control if our government prudently works to layout a predictable and carefully planned roadmap to recovery. Investors would trust the full faith and credit clause of our constitution and fiscal and monetary authorities will continue to keep both interest rates and inflation in check through next year.
Public uncertainty about inflation and interest rates has increased dramatically. Some fear deflation which would cause people to defer purchases waiting for prices to fall and therefore depress economic activity. Others fear inflation will increase as the economy eventually recovers. Expectations about inflation often become self-fulfilling. But there has never been (in my experience) as much diversity among economists and public policymakers about long term interest rate and inflation predictions as there is today. My bet is that inflation and interest rates will be a non-issue for at least two years.
Unfortunately, we as a nation tend to short-sightedly devote our resources to resolving immediate problems rather than securing the economic and physical environment of future generations. We do this with both our physical environment and our economic policies.
The best outcome will be realized if we resist the temptation to allow self-interest, political rivalry, or apathy to deflect us from doing the very best we can to tame COVID-19 and skillfully manage the economy. In all matters affecting the comfort and security of ourselves and future generations each of us should respect the advice of knowledgeable experts and weigh their advice on the scales of our personal conscience. We can't change human nature but we can temper it within ourselves and by practicing compassion for others.
I called my prediction an achievable scenario but much depends on which of many paths our leadership might take. I hope and expect either my version, or the good scenario come to be.
I strongly believe we will not experience the worst scenario, an economic collapse. No forecast I surveyed suggested an economic collapse of a developed country. I include it here because failed states do occur, especially, but not exclusively, in undeveloped countries.
Economic Collapse
A summary of the consequence of economic collapse is described on the website thebalance.com, a website providing financial information for the average investor. Here is an excerpt.

"If the U.S. economy collapses, you would likely lose access to credit. Banks would close. Demand would outstrip the supply of food, gas, and other necessities. If the collapse affected local governments and utilities, then water and electricity might no longer be available.
A U.S. economic collapse would create global panic. Demand for the dollar and U.S. Treasurys would plummet. Interest rates would skyrocket. Investors would rush to other currencies, such as the yuan, euro, or even gold. It would create not just inflation, but hyperinflation, as the dollar lost value to other currencies."
...As for cash, it may not be useful in a total economic collapse because its value might be decimated. Stockpiles of gold bullion may not help because they would be difficult to transport if you needed to move quickly. In a severe collapse, they may not be accepted as currency. But it would be good to have a stash of $20 bills and gold coins, just in case. During many crisis situations, these are commonly accepted as bribes."
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